Meowy and Welcome to my Wink-wink page.
Charlie is a 12 year old Manx. One day while browsing the web I came across his site and we became great furriends. Shortly we started dating. Thursday July 19 - 2001 I mewed to him and asked to be my wink-wink.
A few days later he mewed back and said yes and I was SOOOOOOO excited!!!
Charlie's Page
Here are a few special things we did together.
Charlie made a very special page for me click here to see it.:)
He made me/sent me the following gifts while we were dating:)
His nephmews Luv & Salem made this globe fur us!
Look at the Cute Gift he made me!!!
He sent me this card with the inscription "I never Believed in the Magic of Wishes
Until You Came True!"
Look at the Shadow Box he made fur us!
He took me to the beach again and look at all the shells we collected togefur - what a purrrrrrrrfect date!
His little brofur made this plate fur us! Thanks Mid!
Look at the beautiful locket Char gave me!
Look at the cute matching swimsuits he made us!
Look at the luvly beachdate Mid,Scully,Molly, Luv, Isis, Salem, Char and I went on. We had a great time basking in the sun and collecting shells!
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© 2001+ Trouble Some Trio